# (decoded with TMPL 15001) Selector Count: (166 entries) 0: Code: 'vers' (0x76657273) Label: 'vers - Gestalt version' Result type: 'vers' (0x76657273) Glob. ResId: 2039 Det. ResId: 5039 Flags: 0x0000 1: Code: 'a/ux' (0x612F7578) Label: 'a/ux - A/UX version' Result type: 'ver1' (0x76657231) Glob. ResId: 2004 Det. ResId: 5004 Flags: 0x0000 2: Code: 'addr' (0x61646472) Label: 'addr - Addressing mode' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2001 Det. ResId: 5001 Flags: 0x0000 3: Code: 'afps' (0x61667073) Label: 'afps - AppleTalk Filing Protocol' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2137 Det. ResId: 5137 Flags: 0x0000 4: Code: 'ag_e' (0x61675F65) Label: 'ag_e - Apple Guide Enabler' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2173 Det. ResId: 5173 Flags: 0x0000 5: Code: 'ag_v' (0x61675F76) Label: 'ag_v - Apple Guide version' Result type: 'ver2' (0x76657232) Glob. ResId: 2164 Det. ResId: 5164 Flags: 0x0000 6: Code: 'alis' (0x616C6973) Label: 'alis - Alias Manager' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2002 Det. ResId: 5002 Flags: 0x0000 7: Code: 'apml' (0x61706D6C) Label: 'apml - Apple Mail' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2105 Det. ResId: 5105 Flags: 0x0000 8: Code: 'arb ' (0x61726220) Label: 'arb - Arbitration' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2071 Det. ResId: 5071 Flags: 0x0000 9: Code: 'ascr' (0x61736372) Label: 'ascr - AppleScript attributes' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2106 Det. ResId: 5106 Flags: 0x0000 10: Code: 'ascv' (0x61736376) Label: 'ascv - AppleScript version' Result type: 'Aver' (0x41766572) Glob. ResId: 2107 Det. ResId: 5107 Flags: 0x0000 11: Code: 'aslm' (0x61736C6D) Label: 'aslm - Shared Library Mgr (68K)' Result type: 'aslm' (0x61736C6D) Glob. ResId: 2113 Det. ResId: 5113 Flags: 0x0000 12: Code: 'atkv' (0x61746B76) Label: 'atkv - AppleTalk version' Result type: 'Aver' (0x41766572) Glob. ResId: 2066 Det. ResId: 5066 Flags: 0x0000 13: Code: 'atlk' (0x61746C6B) Label: 'atlk - AppleTalk version' Result type: 'vers' (0x76657273) Glob. ResId: 2003 Det. ResId: 5003 Flags: 0x0000 14: Code: 'aucd' (0x61756364) Label: 'aucd - Audio CD Access' Result type: 'ver2' (0x76657232) Glob. ResId: 2093 Det. ResId: 5093 Flags: 0x0000 15: Code: 'bast' (0x62617374) Label: 'bast - Bastille extension' Result type: 'vers' (0x76657273) Glob. ResId: 2098 Det. ResId: 5098 Flags: 0x0000 16: Code: 'bclk' (0x62636C6B) Label: 'bclk - Bus clock' Result type: 'Freq' (0x46726571) Glob. ResId: 2171 Det. ResId: 5171 Flags: 0x0000 17: Code: 'BSDa' (0x42534461) Label: 'BSDa - CloseView attributes' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2122 Det. ResId: 5122 Flags: 0x0000 18: Code: 'bugx' (0x62756778) Label: 'bugx - Bugs zap (System 7.5)' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2135 Det. ResId: 5135 Flags: 0x0000 19: Code: 'bugy' (0x62756779) Label: 'bugy - Bugs zap (System 7.1)' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2100 Det. ResId: 5100 Flags: 0x0000 20: Code: 'bugz' (0x6275677A) Label: 'bugz - Bugs zap (System 7.0)' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2062 Det. ResId: 5062 Flags: 0x0000 21: Code: 'cate' (0x63617465) Label: 'cate - Catalogs extension' Result type: 'vers' (0x76657273) Glob. ResId: 2125 Det. ResId: 5125 Flags: 0x0000 22: Code: 'cfrg' (0x63667267) Label: 'cfrg - Code Fragment Manager' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2144 Det. ResId: 5144 Flags: 0x0000 23: Code: 'clbv' (0x636C6276) Label: 'clbv - Collaboration Manager' Result type: 'vers' (0x76657273) Glob. ResId: 2126 Det. ResId: 5126 Flags: 0x0000 24: Code: 'cltn' (0x636C746E) Label: 'cltn - Collection Manager' Result type: 'Aver' (0x41766572) Glob. ResId: 2077 Det. ResId: 5077 Flags: 0x0000 25: Code: 'cmta' (0x636D7461) Label: 'cmta - Color Matching attributes' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2142 Det. ResId: 5142 Flags: 0x0000 26: Code: 'cmtc' (0x636D7463) Label: 'cmtc - Color Matching version' Result type: 'ver2' (0x76657232) Glob. ResId: 2080 Det. ResId: 5080 Flags: 0x0000 27: Code: 'conn' (0x636F6E6E) Label: 'conn - Connection Manager' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2040 Det. ResId: 5040 Flags: 0x0000 28: Code: 'cpkr' (0x63706B72) Label: 'cpkr - Color Picker' Result type: 'ver2' (0x76657232) Glob. ResId: 2081 Det. ResId: 5081 Flags: 0x0000 29: Code: 'cpnt' (0x63706E74) Label: 'cpnt - Component Manager' Result type: 'vers' (0x76657273) Glob. ResId: 2069 Det. ResId: 5069 Flags: 0x0000 30: Code: 'cput' (0x63707574) Label: 'cput - CPU type' Result type: 'cput' (0x63707574) Glob. ResId: 2114 Det. ResId: 5114 Flags: 0x0000 31: Code: 'crm ' (0x63726D20) Label: 'crm - Comm. Resource Manager' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2041 Det. ResId: 5041 Flags: 0x0000 32: Code: 'csvr' (0x63737672) Label: 'csvr - Control Strip version' Result type: 'Aver' (0x41766572) Glob. ResId: 2155 Det. ResId: 5155 Flags: 0x0000 33: Code: 'ctbv' (0x63746276) Label: 'ctbv - Comm. Toolbox version' Result type: 'ver2' (0x76657232) Glob. ResId: 2005 Det. ResId: 5005 Flags: 0x0000 34: Code: 'dbac' (0x64626163) Label: 'dbac - Data Access Manager' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2006 Det. ResId: 5006 Flags: 0x0000 35: Code: 'dfnd' (0x64666E64) Label: 'dfnd - Directory Find' Result type: 'vers' (0x76657273) Glob. ResId: 2086 Det. ResId: 5086 Flags: 0x0000 36: Code: 'dict' (0x64696374) Label: 'dict - Dictionary Manager' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2073 Det. ResId: 5073 Flags: 0x0000 37: Code: 'ditl' (0x6469746C) Label: 'ditl - Dialog Manager extensions' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2054 Det. ResId: 5054 Flags: 0x0000 38: Code: 'dplv' (0x64706C76) Label: 'dplv - Display Manager version' Result type: 'Bver' (0x42766572) Glob. ResId: 2123 Det. ResId: 5123 Flags: 0x0000 39: Code: 'dply' (0x64706C79) Label: 'dply - Display Manager attributes' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2124 Det. ResId: 5124 Flags: 0x0000 40: Code: 'drag' (0x64726167) Label: 'drag - Drag and Drop attributes' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2108 Det. ResId: 5108 Flags: 0x0000 41: Code: 'drgv' (0x64726776) Label: 'drgv - Drag and Drop version' Result type: 'Aver' (0x41766572) Glob. ResId: 2109 Det. ResId: 5109 Flags: 0x0001 42: Code: 'dsig' (0x64736967) Label: 'dsig - Digital Signature' Result type: 'ver2' (0x76657232) Glob. ResId: 2084 Det. ResId: 5084 Flags: 0x0000 43: Code: 'easy' (0x65617379) Label: 'easy - Easy Access status' Result type: 'easy' (0x65617379) Glob. ResId: 2061 Det. ResId: 5061 Flags: 0x0000 44: Code: 'edtn' (0x6564746E) Label: 'edtn - Edition Manager' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2007 Det. ResId: 5007 Flags: 0x0000 45: Code: 'evnt' (0x65766E74) Label: 'evnt - Apple Events' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2008 Det. ResId: 5008 Flags: 0x0000 46: Code: 'flag' (0x666C6167) Label: 'flag - Flagship Naming Service' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2063 Det. ResId: 5063 Flags: 0x0000 47: Code: 'fndr' (0x666E6472) Label: 'fndr - Finder attributes' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2115 Det. ResId: 5115 Flags: 0x0000 48: Code: 'fnd≈' (0x666E64C5) Label: 'fndÅ - Hidden Finder features' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2175 Det. ResId: 5175 Flags: 0x0000 49: Code: 'fndµ' (0x666E64B5) Label: 'fndµ - Hidden Finder features' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2176 Det. ResId: 5176 Flags: 0x0000 50: Code: 'fold' (0x666F6C64) Label: 'fold - Folder Manager' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2009 Det. ResId: 5009 Flags: 0x0000 51: Code: 'font' (0x666F6E74) Label: 'font - Font Manager' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2010 Det. ResId: 5010 Flags: 0x0000 52: Code: 'fpu ' (0x66707520) Label: 'fpu - Coprocessor type' Result type: 'typ0' (0x74797030) Glob. ResId: 2011 Det. ResId: 5011 Flags: 0x0000 53: Code: 'Freq' (0x46726571) Label: 'Freq - Processor frequency' Result type: 'Freq' (0x46726571) Glob. ResId: 2147 Det. ResId: 5147 Flags: 0x0000 54: Code: 'Frq2' (0x46727132) Label: 'Frq2 - Processor frequency' Result type: 'Frq2' (0x46727132) Glob. ResId: 2158 Det. ResId: 5158 Flags: 0x0000 55: Code: 'fs ' (0x66732020) Label: 'fs - File System' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2042 Det. ResId: 5042 Flags: 0x0000 56: Code: 'fsm ' (0x66736D20) Label: 'fsm - File System Manager' Result type: 'ver2' (0x76657232) Glob. ResId: 2159 Det. ResId: 5159 Flags: 0x0000 57: Code: 'fxfr' (0x66786672) Label: 'fxfr - File Transfer Manager' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2044 Det. ResId: 5044 Flags: 0x0000 58: Code: 'gfxa' (0x67667861) Label: 'gfxa - QuickDraw GX attributes' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2133 Det. ResId: 5133 Flags: 0x0000 59: Code: 'gprf' (0x67707266) Label: 'gprf - General Controls' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2149 Det. ResId: 5149 Flags: 0x0000 60: Code: 'grfx' (0x67726678) Label: 'grfx - QuickDraw GX version' Result type: 'Bver' (0x42766572) Glob. ResId: 2076 Det. ResId: 5076 Flags: 0x0000 61: Code: 'hdwr' (0x68647772) Label: 'hdwr - Hardware attributes' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2012 Det. ResId: 5012 Flags: 0x0000 62: Code: 'help' (0x68656C70) Label: 'help - Help Manager' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2013 Det. ResId: 5013 Flags: 0x0000 63: Code: 'hrad' (0x68726164) Label: 'hrad - Hardware vendor' Result type: 'sign' (0x7369676E) Glob. ResId: 2177 Det. ResId: 5177 Flags: 0x0000 64: Code: 'hscd' (0x68736364) Label: 'hscd - High Sierra File Access' Result type: 'ver2' (0x76657232) Glob. ResId: 2094 Det. ResId: 5094 Flags: 0x0000 65: Code: 'icmp' (0x69636D70) Label: 'icmp - Image compression' Result type: 'vers' (0x76657273) Glob. ResId: 2068 Det. ResId: 5068 Flags: 0x0000 66: Code: 'icon' (0x69636F6E) Label: 'icon - Icon Utilities' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2110 Det. ResId: 5110 Flags: 0x0000 67: Code: 'iic ' (0x69696320) Label: 'iic - Inter-integrated circuit' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2167 Det. ResId: 5167 Flags: 0x0000 68: Code: 'iscd' (0x69736364) Label: 'iscd - ISO 9660 File Access' Result type: 'ver2' (0x76657232) Glob. ResId: 2136 Det. ResId: 5136 Flags: 0x0000 69: Code: 'kbd ' (0x6B626420) Label: 'kbd - Keyboard type' Result type: 'typ1' (0x74797031) Glob. ResId: 2014 Det. ResId: 5014 Flags: 0x0000 70: Code: 'kpcd' (0x6B706364) Label: 'kpcd - Kodak Photo CD Access' Result type: 'hexa' (0x68657861) Glob. ResId: 2095 Det. ResId: 5095 Flags: 0x0000 71: Code: 'lmem' (0x6C6D656D) Label: 'lmem - Low memory area size' Result type: 'size' (0x73697A65) Glob. ResId: 2015 Det. ResId: 5015 Flags: 0x0000 72: Code: 'lram' (0x6C72616D) Label: 'lram - Logic RAM size' Result type: 'siz2' (0x73697A32) Glob. ResId: 2016 Det. ResId: 5016 Flags: 0x0000 73: Code: 'ltma' (0x6C746D61) Label: 'ltma - Link Tool Manager' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2131 Det. ResId: 5131 Flags: 0x0000 74: Code: 'mach' (0x6D616368) Label: 'mach - Machine type' Result type: 'typ1' (0x74797031) Glob. ResId: 2017 Det. ResId: 5017 Flags: 0x0000 75: Code: 'malr' (0x6D616C72) Label: 'malr - Standard Mailer' Result type: 'vers' (0x76657273) Glob. ResId: 2082 Det. ResId: 5082 Flags: 0x0000 76: Code: 'mbox' (0x6D626F78) Label: 'mbox - Mailbox extension' Result type: 'vers' (0x76657273) Glob. ResId: 2127 Det. ResId: 5127 Flags: 0x0000 77: Code: 'mess' (0x6D657373) Label: 'mess - Message Manager' Result type: 'Bver' (0x42766572) Glob. ResId: 2078 Det. ResId: 5078 Flags: 0x0000 78: Code: 'micn' (0x6D69636E) Label: 'micn - Machine icon' Result type: 'micn' (0x6D69636E) Glob. ResId: 2048 Det. ResId: 5048 Flags: 0x0000 79: Code: 'misc' (0x6D697363) Label: 'misc - Miscellaneous attributes' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2018 Det. ResId: 5018 Flags: 0x0000 80: Code: 'mixd' (0x6D697864) Label: 'mixd - Mixed Mode Manager' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2145 Det. ResId: 5145 Flags: 0x0000 81: Code: 'mmu ' (0x6D6D7520) Label: 'mmu - MMU type' Result type: 'typ0' (0x74797030) Glob. ResId: 2019 Det. ResId: 5019 Flags: 0x0000 82: Code: 'mtcp' (0x6D746370) Label: 'mtcp - MacTCP version' Result type: 'typ0' (0x74797030) Glob. ResId: 2119 Det. ResId: 5119 Flags: 0x0000 83: Code: 'nlup' (0x6E6C7570) Label: 'nlup - Standard NBP' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2046 Det. ResId: 5046 Flags: 0x0000 84: Code: 'nmgr' (0x6E6D6772) Label: 'nmgr - Notification Manager' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2020 Det. ResId: 5020 Flags: 0x0000 85: Code: 'nreg' (0x6E726567) Label: 'nreg - Name registry' Result type: 'vers' (0x76657273) Glob. ResId: 2165 Det. ResId: 5165 Flags: 0x0000 86: Code: 'nubs' (0x6E756273) Label: 'nubs - NuBus slots count' Result type: 'sltc' (0x736C7463) Glob. ResId: 2052 Det. ResId: 5052 Flags: 0x0000 87: Code: 'ocet' (0x6F636574) Label: 'ocet - AOCE Toolbox' Result type: '2ve2' (0x32766532) Glob. ResId: 2088 Det. ResId: 5088 Flags: 0x0000 88: Code: 'oceu' (0x6F636575) Label: 'oceu - AOCE attributes' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2089 Det. ResId: 5089 Flags: 0x0000 89: Code: 'opfw' (0x6F706677) Label: 'opfw - Open Firmware' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2166 Det. ResId: 5166 Flags: 0x0000 90: Code: 'os ' (0x6F732020) Label: 'os - OS attributes' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2021 Det. ResId: 5021 Flags: 0x0000 91: Code: 'ostt' (0x6F737474) Label: 'ostt - OS trap table' Result type: 'hexa' (0x68657861) Glob. ResId: 2057 Det. ResId: 5057 Flags: 0x0000 92: Code: 'otan' (0x6F74616E) Label: 'otan - Open Transport attributes' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2160 Det. ResId: 5160 Flags: 0x0000 93: Code: 'otvr' (0x6F747672) Label: 'otvr - Open Transport version' Result type: 'Aver' (0x41766572) Glob. ResId: 2172 Det. ResId: 5172 Flags: 0x0000 94: Code: 'pccd' (0x70636364) Label: 'pccd - PC Card attributes' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2168 Det. ResId: 5168 Flags: 0x0000 95: Code: 'pclk' (0x70636C6B) Label: 'pclk - Processor clock' Result type: 'Freq' (0x46726571) Glob. ResId: 2170 Det. ResId: 5170 Flags: 0x0000 96: Code: 'pcxg' (0x70637867) Label: 'pcxg - PC Exchange attributes' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2116 Det. ResId: 5116 Flags: 0x0001 97: Code: 'pgsz' (0x7067737A) Label: 'pgsz - Logical page size' Result type: 'siz1' (0x73697A31) Glob. ResId: 2022 Det. ResId: 5022 Flags: 0x0000 98: Code: 'pmgr' (0x706D6772) Label: 'pmgr - Print Manager' Result type: 'Bver' (0x42766572) Glob. ResId: 2079 Det. ResId: 5079 Flags: 0x0000 99: Code: 'pop!' (0x706F7021) Label: 'pop! - Pop up menus' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2045 Det. ResId: 5045 Flags: 0x0000 100: Code: 'powr' (0x706F7772) Label: 'powr - Power Manager' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2023 Det. ResId: 5023 Flags: 0x0000 101: Code: 'ppc ' (0x70706320) Label: 'ppc - PPC Toolbox' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2024 Det. ResId: 5024 Flags: 0x0000 102: Code: 'proc' (0x70726F63) Label: 'proc - Processor type' Result type: 'typ1' (0x74797031) Glob. ResId: 2025 Det. ResId: 5025 Flags: 0x0000 103: Code: 'prpv' (0x70727076) Label: 'prpv - Directory Prompt' Result type: 'vers' (0x76657273) Glob. ResId: 2087 Det. ResId: 5087 Flags: 0x0000 104: Code: 'prty' (0x70727479) Label: 'prty - Parity attributes' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2026 Det. ResId: 5026 Flags: 0x0000 105: Code: 'pxtn' (0x7078746E) Label: 'pxtn - Printing Extensions' Result type: 'Aver' (0x41766572) Glob. ResId: 2140 Det. ResId: 5140 Flags: 0x0000 106: Code: 'q3v ' (0x71337620) Label: 'q3v - QuickDraw 3D version' Result type: 'Bver' (0x42766572) Glob. ResId: 2169 Det. ResId: 5169 Flags: 0x0000 107: Code: 'q3vc' (0x71337663) Label: 'q3vc - QuickDraw 3D Viewer attr.' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2162 Det. ResId: 5162 Flags: 0x0000 108: Code: 'qd ' (0x71642020) Label: 'qd - QuickDraw version' Result type: 'ver1' (0x76657231) Glob. ResId: 2027 Det. ResId: 5027 Flags: 0x0000 109: Code: 'qd3d' (0x71643364) Label: 'qd3d - QuickDraw 3D attributes' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2161 Det. ResId: 5161 Flags: 0x0000 110: Code: 'qdgx' (0x71646778) Label: 'qdgx - QuickDraw GX version' Result type: 'Bver' (0x42766572) Glob. ResId: 2138 Det. ResId: 5138 Flags: 0x0000 111: Code: 'qdrw' (0x71647277) Label: 'qdrw - QuickDraw features' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2067 Det. ResId: 5067 Flags: 0x0000 112: Code: 'qtim' (0x7174696D) Label: 'qtim - QuickTime version' Result type: 'Aver' (0x41766572) Glob. ResId: 2070 Det. ResId: 5070 Flags: 0x0000 113: Code: 'qtrs' (0x71747273) Label: 'qtrs - QuickTime features' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2134 Det. ResId: 5134 Flags: 0x0000 114: Code: 'ram ' (0x72616D20) Label: 'ram - Physical RAM size' Result type: 'siz2' (0x73697A32) Glob. ResId: 2028 Det. ResId: 5028 Flags: 0x0000 115: Code: 'rom ' (0x726F6D20) Label: 'rom - ROM size' Result type: 'siz1' (0x73697A31) Glob. ResId: 2029 Det. ResId: 5029 Flags: 0x0000 116: Code: 'romv' (0x726F6D76) Label: 'romv - ROM version' Result type: 'vers' (0x76657273) Glob. ResId: 2030 Det. ResId: 5030 Flags: 0x0000 117: Code: 'rsrc' (0x72737263) Label: 'rsrc - Resource Manager' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2074 Det. ResId: 5074 Flags: 0x0000 118: Code: 'rtmr' (0x72746D72) Label: 'rtmr - RealTime Manager' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2102 Det. ResId: 5102 Flags: 0x0000 119: Code: 'scr#' (0x73637223) Label: 'scr# - Active scripts count' Result type: 'cnt ' (0x636E7420) Glob. ResId: 2033 Det. ResId: 5033 Flags: 0x0000 120: Code: 'scra' (0x73637261) Label: 'scra - Scrap Manager' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2096 Det. ResId: 5096 Flags: 0x0000 121: Code: 'scri' (0x73637269) Label: 'scri - Script Manager version' Result type: 'ver2' (0x76657232) Glob. ResId: 2032 Det. ResId: 5032 Flags: 0x0000 122: Code: 'scsi' (0x73637369) Label: 'scsi - SCSI Manager' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2112 Det. ResId: 5112 Flags: 0x0000 123: Code: 'sdev' (0x73646576) Label: 'sdev - Strip device' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2148 Det. ResId: 5148 Flags: 0x0000 124: Code: 'sdvr' (0x73647672) Label: 'sdvr - Standard Directory' Result type: 'vers' (0x76657273) Glob. ResId: 2085 Det. ResId: 5085 Flags: 0x0000 125: Code: 'ser ' (0x73657220) Label: 'ser - Serial port' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2056 Det. ResId: 5056 Flags: 0x0000 126: Code: 'serh' (0x73657268) Label: 'serh - Serial hardware' Result type: 'sign' (0x7369676E) Glob. ResId: 2153 Det. ResId: 5153 Flags: 0x0000 127: Code: 'shal' (0x7368616C) Label: 'shal - Serial HAL' Result type: 'vers' (0x76657273) Glob. ResId: 2146 Det. ResId: 5146 Flags: 0x0000 128: Code: 'slmp' (0x736C6D70) Label: 'slmp - Shared Library Mgr (PPC)' Result type: 'aslm' (0x61736C6D) Glob. ResId: 2154 Det. ResId: 5154 Flags: 0x0000 129: Code: 'slnk' (0x736C6E6B) Label: 'slnk - Serial link' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2031 Det. ResId: 5031 Flags: 0x0000 130: Code: 'slot' (0x736C6F74) Label: 'slot - Slot Manager' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2050 Det. ResId: 5050 Flags: 0x0000 131: Code: 'slt1' (0x736C7431) Label: 'slt1 - Slot 1 address' Result type: 'sltc' (0x736C7463) Glob. ResId: 2051 Det. ResId: 5051 Flags: 0x0000 132: Code: 'sltc' (0x736C7463) Label: 'sltc - NuBus connectors' Result type: 'sltc' (0x736C7463) Glob. ResId: 2055 Det. ResId: 5055 Flags: 0x0000 133: Code: 'snd ' (0x736E6420) Label: 'snd - Sound attributes' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2034 Det. ResId: 5034 Flags: 0x0000 134: Code: 'sndx' (0x736E6478) Label: 'sndx - Sound extensions' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2129 Det. ResId: 5129 Flags: 0x0000 135: Code: 'snhw' (0x736E6877) Label: 'snhw - Sound hardware' Result type: 'sign' (0x7369676E) Glob. ResId: 2101 Det. ResId: 5101 Flags: 0x0000 136: Code: 'spsl' (0x7370736C) Label: 'spsl - Send Letter' Result type: 'vers' (0x76657273) Glob. ResId: 2083 Det. ResId: 5083 Flags: 0x0000 137: Code: 'srad' (0x73726164) Label: 'srad - Software vendor' Result type: 'sign' (0x7369676E) Glob. ResId: 2178 Det. ResId: 5178 Flags: 0x0000 138: Code: 'srta' (0x73727461) Label: 'srta - Speech Recognition attr.' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2151 Det. ResId: 5151 Flags: 0x0000 139: Code: 'srtb' (0x73727462) Label: 'srtb - Speech Recognition version' Result type: 'ver2' (0x76657232) Glob. ResId: 2152 Det. ResId: 5152 Flags: 0x0000 140: Code: 'stdf' (0x73746466) Label: 'stdf - Standard File Package' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2053 Det. ResId: 5053 Flags: 0x0000 141: Code: 'strm' (0x7374726D) Label: 'strm - Remote Access' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2072 Det. ResId: 5072 Flags: 0x0000 142: Code: 'sysa' (0x73797361) Label: 'sysa - System architecture' Result type: 'typ1' (0x74797031) Glob. ResId: 2117 Det. ResId: 5117 Flags: 0x0000 143: Code: 'sysu' (0x73797375) Label: 'sysu - System Upgrade version' Result type: 'Aver' (0x41766572) Glob. ResId: 2163 Det. ResId: 5163 Flags: 0x0000 144: Code: 'sysv' (0x73797376) Label: 'sysv - System file version' Result type: 'ver2' (0x76657232) Glob. ResId: 2035 Det. ResId: 5035 Flags: 0x0000 145: Code: 'tabl' (0x7461626C) Label: 'tabl - Gestalt table handle' Result type: 'tabl' (0x7461626C) Glob. ResId: 2049 Det. ResId: 5049 Flags: 0x0000 146: Code: 'tbtt' (0x74627474) Label: 'tbtt - Toolbox trap table' Result type: 'hexa' (0x68657861) Glob. ResId: 2059 Det. ResId: 5059 Flags: 0x0000 147: Code: 'te ' (0x74652020) Label: 'te - TextEdit version' Result type: 'vers' (0x76657273) Glob. ResId: 2036 Det. ResId: 5036 Flags: 0x0000 148: Code: 'teat' (0x74656174) Label: 'teat - TextEdit attributes' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2118 Det. ResId: 5118 Flags: 0x0000 149: Code: 'tele' (0x74656C65) Label: 'tele - Telephone Manager' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2139 Det. ResId: 5139 Flags: 0x0000 150: Code: 'term' (0x7465726D) Label: 'term - Terminal Manager' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2047 Det. ResId: 5047 Flags: 0x0000 151: Code: 'thds' (0x74686473) Label: 'thds - Thread Manager' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2103 Det. ResId: 5103 Flags: 0x0000 152: Code: 'tmgr' (0x746D6772) Label: 'tmgr - Time Manager' Result type: 'vers' (0x76657273) Glob. ResId: 2037 Det. ResId: 5037 Flags: 0x0000 153: Code: 'tmTE' (0x746D5445) Label: 'tmTE - TSM/TextEdit attributes' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2120 Det. ResId: 5120 Flags: 0x0000 154: Code: 'tmTV' (0x746D5456) Label: 'tmTV - TSM/TextEdit version' Result type: 'ver2' (0x76657232) Glob. ResId: 2121 Det. ResId: 5121 Flags: 0x0000 155: Code: 'tsma' (0x74736D61) Label: 'tsma - Text Services Mgr attr.' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2157 Det. ResId: 5157 Flags: 0x0000 156: Code: 'tsmv' (0x74736D76) Label: 'tsmv - Text Services Manager' Result type: 'vers' (0x76657273) Glob. ResId: 2075 Det. ResId: 5075 Flags: 0x0000 157: Code: 'ttsc' (0x74747363) Label: 'ttsc - Text-to-Speech' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2111 Det. ResId: 5111 Flags: 0x0000 158: Code: 'tv ' (0x74762020) Label: 'tv - Television' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2156 Det. ResId: 5156 Flags: 0x0000 159: Code: 'ufox' (0x75666F78) Label: 'ufox - Foreign File Access' Result type: 'ver2' (0x76657232) Glob. ResId: 2092 Det. ResId: 5092 Flags: 0x0000 160: Code: 'unic' (0x756E6963) Label: 'unic - Unicode Converter' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2174 Det. ResId: 5174 Flags: 0x0000 161: Code: 'vm ' (0x766D2020) Label: 'vm - Virtual memory attributes' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2038 Det. ResId: 5038 Flags: 0x0000 162: Code: 'wma.' (0x776D612E) Label: 'wma. - Workstation Manag. Agent' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2043 Det. ResId: 5043 Flags: 0x0000 163: Code: 'xlat' (0x786C6174) Label: 'xlat - Translation Manager' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2097 Det. ResId: 5097 Flags: 0x0000 164: Code: 'XTND' (0x58544E44) Label: 'XTND - XTND Manager' Result type: 'attr' (0x61747472) Glob. ResId: 2150 Det. ResId: 5150 Flags: 0x0000 165: Code: 'xttt' (0x78747474) Label: 'xttt - Extended toolbox trap table' Result type: 'hexa' (0x68657861) Glob. ResId: 2058 Det. ResId: 5058 Flags: 0x0000